Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My Apologies

Lately the work days have been leaving me burnt out and exhausted with little energy left for blogging. So, if you grew tired of seeing the picture of our busted Honda whenever you visited this site over the past two weeks, I'm sorry.

This past weekend Brad and I traveled to NJ to drop off our card to be fixed with salvaged parts and then carried on to Chéz Marold for my brother's college graduation party. We drank beer, played drinking games suitable for such a collegiate celebration, and I ate more pork in the form of various BBQ dishes than any one person should ever be allow to consume in one day - topped only by Brad who later confessed that he ate 3 pulled pork sandwiches, as well as his plates of sausage and peppers, seared pork and onions, grilled chicken, cheese steak, french fries . . . need I go on?

So now I am back to the grind, and a bit worse for the wear.
This article is the most fascinating thing I have come across over the past few days and I thought I'd share. I came to me in an email from Brad with a subject line that read, "This will get you riled up" - if you're wondering my feelings about it, Brad was just about right. Do read about all that is good and bad of Walmart's hunger to join the organic craze. When I showed it to my Creative Director, he asked, "What's next, organic Bud Light?" -Gross.

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